How Deep to Plant Marijuana Seeds: A Guide for Successful Growth

Planting marijuana seeds is the first step toward cultivating a healthy cannabis plant, and getting the depth right is crucial for the seedling’s success. While it may seem like a small detail, the depth at which you plant your marijuana seeds can significantly impact their ability to sprout and develop into strong, productive plants. This […]

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Buying Marijuana Seeds in New Jersey: What You Need to Know

The cannabis industry in New Jersey is evolving rapidly, but the legal landscape can still be somewhat confusing, especially when it comes to growing your own marijuana plants. While the state has made significant strides in legalizing marijuana for both medicinal and recreational use, the cultivation of cannabis at home remains illegal. However, purchasing and

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Voters recently approved a constitutional amendment that legalizes cannabis in New Jersey

Legalized Marijuana NJ: Voters recently approved a constitutional amendment that legalizes cannabis in New Jersey, which is expected to generate $126 million a year. After many years of legislative failures, voters in New Jersey authorized the legal use of recreational marijuana on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. It passed by a wide margin, and allows New

Voters recently approved a constitutional amendment that legalizes cannabis in New Jersey Read More »

Bienenstock’s ideas on Marijuana legalization and the ballot Referendum in NJ

David “Bean” Bienenstock, formally a NJ resident is the co-host of “Great Moments in Weed History” discusses his thoughts on marijuana legalization and his concern that it’s done right! He said we need a “legalization law that is fair and equitable for everybody, remediates the harms done in the past by the war on marijuana,

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COVID-19 Causes Problems at Cannabis Dispensaries

It’s no surprise, Coronavirus has affected every part of the world, even NJ Cannabis Dispensaries. Marijuana dispensaries in NJ are facing the same obstacles as supermarkets and any business serving the public during a pandemic. This problem is supersized since authority figures do not want to accept the existence of Medical Marijuana in NJ. Read

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Recreational New Jersey Marijuana Legalization in 2020

Recreational New Jersey Marijuana Legalization in 2020 – It hasn’t always been an easy road for the legalization of marijuana. Buyweed-NJ has been keeping you updated on this fluid situation as it changes, seemingly daily. Here’s a bit of back story. 2017 Legislation: Unsuccessful Scutari, an advocate for legalizing recreational marijuana, introduced a bill in May

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